Thank you for completing your fundraiser with Mrs. Fields Fundraising with Fundraising Manager. Missing or replacement items need to be reported directly thru this website within 2 business days of your delivery day.
At your delivery please use the PBS delivery report found on the FRMGR system. Visit Use your login that was emailed to you at the beginning of your fundraiser. If you don’t remember your password use the forgot password button. Once logged in, click on reports, PBS and print this report. At your delivery, have the seller boxes setup in number order. On one side of the room have a check out table. Each seller will visit that table before they leave. At this table have each seller check their boxes to make sure what was ordered has arrived. Have the seller sign that they have received all items listed on the PBS sheet. Any items that the seller is claiming have not arrived will entered on the Missing Claim Form. The link to the printable form is below. You can scan this form and submit it using the online form below. If you have not used the Missing Claim form please scroll down to the long form where you can enter each seller and the missing claim.
We will verify to make sure those products were ordered and then scanned out by our packing facility. If we deem that the items are truly missing, we will refund or replace the items at no charge to your group. FRM reserves the right to refund for any items invoiced versus replacing the items. If we find that the items were not ordered on the order form or not entered and invoiced thru our system, we can place an additional order for you. However, it will be considered a new order and will incur all less than minimum and delivery charges based on the total number of units needed.
Link to Printable Missing Claim Form
Use this online form to submit the scanned copy of the missing claim form. If you would like to submit each seller individually please scroll down and use the individual claim online claim form below.
Please allow 48 business hours for an email reply to your claim.